When letters become art

This is a sample of my artistic representation

This could be your name or any name that you wish to order. For example, a wedding gift for a couple depicting their names.



Based on your colour selection, I will draw it by hand, digitize and send you high quality (300 dpi) files in .PNG and .JPG formats in 8″ x 10″.  In addition, a thumbnail will also be emailed to you. Give this as a gift to someone or have one made for you.

There are many applications for these artistic works. I have a few suggestions for you, such as:

  • Use it as your own very unique digital signature/personal logo (thumbnail format)
  • Print it on a T-Shirt/cap and wear it, proudly!
  • Print it on a special paper, then frame and hang it at your office/home
  • Print or embroider it on the back of your jersey when you play any team games.
  • Engrave it on anything that you own or you build.
  • Have it made out of a precious/semi-precious material (because you are worth it!) in a form of a pendent, ring, or a charm.
  • Why not give it as a wedding, anniversary or a valentines gift with couple’s first names; I am sure they appreciate this unique gift.
  • Parents of a new-born baby would love to have their baby’s name in an artistic display!

I hope these ideas will make you even more creative than ever before, so you can come up with your own new ideas; don’t forget to share them with me.

Example of two-colour design

An example this art on individualized item such as mugs.

two-tone names

Many combinations are colours are possible to ask for.

Get it in your favourit colour.

An example of one-colour that is not the default black.